Create an Auth0 Account

Will Johnson
InstructorWill Johnson
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Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

Sign up for a free Auth0 account. A new Auth0 account creates a new tenant within the Auth0 Dashboard the tenant will house your applications connections and user profiles.

Sign up for a free Auth0 account here.

Instructor: [0:01] The first thing we'll do is sign up for an Auth0 account. We'll go to, click the Sign Up link. In here, you will be able to sign up for a free Auth0 account. I would recommend using one of these social logins listed here, instead of using an email and creating a new password. [0:22] I'll continue with Google. Select one of my email addresses. This will ask you for the account type. For this, I will choose personal. Then I'll click next. Then this will set up your Auth0 tenant. After your tenant is set up, you'll be redirected to the Auth0 dashboard.

[0:51] The Auth0 tenant is where all of your information about Auth0 is created -- your applications, the connections that you have, and even the user profiles.

[1:02] Now that you're in the Auth0 dashboard, you are asked between, if you're a new user or if you used Auth0 before. I have used Auth0 before, so I will click that and click Get Started. In that way, I wouldn't need a tour or demo or anything like that.

[1:18] As you see, once you're in the dashboard, you have 22 days left in your trial to experiment with all the features that are not in the free plan. Once those 22 days is up, you still have access and still be able to use Auth0, but some of the features will be limited.

[1:35] If you want to have more information about the plans that are available, you can click View Plans, but as of right now, you have everything you need to start with a Auth0 application and start using actions.

~ just now

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