
A collection of web development tips from professional software engineers

eggo opening up a javascript planet

Getting setup with shadcn-vue in Vue 3

Getting setup with shadcn-vue in Vue 3 by Kevin Cunningham
7m 19s

Shadcn component library is a great option for building out UIs as it gives you full control while setting you up with reasonable defaults. Learn how to install and get started with Shadcn in a Vue 3 project.

Create a Computed Signal in Modern Angular

Create a Computed Signal in Modern Angular by Tomasz Ducin

Computed properties allow you to display information based on state that you are tracking which update when your state updates. We'll see how to accomplish this with Angular Signals.

Automate Package Scaffolding in NPM/Yarn/PNPM Monorepo Workspaces

Automate Package Scaffolding in NPM/Yarn/PNPM Monorepo Workspaces by Juri Strumpflohner
16m 14s

We'll explore how to automate new package creation for your existing npm/yarn/pnpm using Nx. Learn to build an Nx Plugin for consistent, error-free package scaffolding. Perfect for easy dev onboarding and maintaining coding standards.

Create an Interactive Spoiler Component in Astro

Create an Interactive Spoiler Component in Astro by Kevin Cunningham
7m 13s

Lean how to build an interactive spoiler component in Astro, enhancing web user engagement. Learn to set up, style, and script the component for hover/click reveals, ensuring smooth functionality across multiple instances.