Compare AWS, DocumentDB DynamoDB and RDS

Sam Julien
InstructorSam Julien
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Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

Amazon has a ton of options for databases. But the three most common ones that you may come across are DynamoDB, DocumentDB, and RDS.

DynamoDB is a fully managed service. This comes at the cost of flexibility.

DocumentDB is basically a MongoDB NoSQL database. It's more flexible than DynamoDB but requires more management from you.

RDS stands for Relational Database Service and it is probably the most familiar to the majority of us. You can select from database engines such as PotgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and amazon's Aurora.

Instructor: [0:00] Let's go on a tour of the database options that AWS has and look at some of the most common ones that you'll run into as a web developer. I go up to the Services menu and scroll down a little bit. Underneath Storage, you'll see the database options for AWS. There's a number of them, but you'll only run into a few of them as a web developer.

[0:25] The first one you'll probably run into is Amazon DocumentDB. This is essentially a MongoDB NoSQL database, but instead of being hosted at MongoDB, it's an Amazon product and hosted by Amazon. It's not actually MongoDB, it's just a compatible database with MongoDB and works in the same way.

[0:46] Another database you might run into is DynamoDB. DynamoDB is an Amazon product that's basically another NoSQL database but is the Amazon proprietary one, and it's a key-value store.

[0:59] You should know that, when you go to most of these landing pages for these services, especially the ones that are Amazon products, you're going to get some information and videos that goes over what makes the feature so great and why you might want to use it. That's DynamoDB.

[1:15] Then the last one, and the one that you'll probably use the most frequently, is RDS. RDS stands for Relational Database Service, and it's going to have all of the relational database options that you're used to, things like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.

[1:31] Then it's also going to have an Amazon proprietary MySQL-compatible option called Aurora. Aurora is meant to mimic the speed and performance of the big enterprise options like Oracle but with some more of the convenience and accessibility of open-source databases.

[1:51] It's likely that, at your job, you're not going to have a say in which database you use. Remember, if you need something MongoDB compatible, use DocumentDB. The AWS proprietary key-value NoSQL option is called DynamoDB. Then RDS is the Relational Database Service with most of the other database options you are used to seeing.

[2:16] That's a quick tour through the most common databases that you're going to run into on AWS.

~ 43 minutes ago

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