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Deploy an AWS Amplify Backend

Ali Spittel
InstructorAli Spittel
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Published 4 years ago
Updated 10 months ago

We'll deploy our backend generated using the Amplify Admin UI to AWS. Once deployed, we'll use the Admin UI's CMS functionality to create data. We'll also sync our deployed application with our local frontend.

Ali Spittel: [0:00] Now that I've tested my data out locally, I want to deploy my application. If you wanted to remodel your data, you can go back to the Model tab and then rerun the amplify pull command in order to pull down your updated API.

[0:14] I'm happy with the schema that I created, and so I'm going to move on to the Deploy step. If you need an AWS account, you can click here to set one up, but if you already have one, you can log in to deploy to AWS.

[0:29] I now need to add a name to my app. You can choose a deployment region. Choose whichever one is closest to you or whoever your user base will be. My application will deploy.

[0:44] Now that my deployment is complete, I'll open this Admin UI. You'll see that I have access to a data modeling page similar to the one that I had before. You can also manage your application's content.

[0:57] I haven't created any courses or videos yet in my live app. You can click this Create course form, and here, enter a title. You can also add a description. There's a markdown editor in case you want to have a preview of what something would look like in markdown. It'll also allow you to link to videos and create new videos directly within this form.

[1:26] I'll save my course. I want to change my local app to use my deployed app instead of my sandbox one. I'll click these instructions here and copy this command. Then I'll run it in my terminal. It'll ask me to log in in the browser. I'll choose my editor, which is Visual Studio Code. I'm building a JavaScript app and using React. I'll choose all the defaults for these questions.

[1:50] If I make any changes using the Admin UI, I can run amplify pull to get access to those changes locally. If I make any changes locally, I can in turn run amplify push to get those available in my deployed app.

[2:04] In this video, we deployed our video course platform to AWS so it's live. We used the Amplify Admin UI to manage our application content.

~ a minute ago

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