Introduction to Build a Serverless API with Cloudflare Workers

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Published 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

In this course, Kristian Freeman will teach you how to build and deploy a Serverless API with Cloudflare Workers. By learning how to build your own serverless JSON APIs, you can effectively manage a highly-available backend for your projects, without needing to learn DevOps or manage services.

Kristian Freeman: [0:00] Hey, everybody. Kristian Freeman here. In this course I'll teach you how to build a serverless API with Cloudflare workers, which is a really powerful serverless functions platform that allows you to deploy your code all around the world.

[0:10] APIs are a crucial part of building full-stack applications. I come from a frontend development background and I found that one of the best ways to level up in my career was to learn how to build full-stack and backend applications.

[0:24] Using serverless is a great way to do that. In this course I'm going to teach you how to handle incoming HTTP requests so that you can work with existing clients, browsers, mobile applications, and all kinds of stuff, and accept data into your serverless functions.

[0:37] Once you've done that we'll also learn how to use Unsplash which is an awesome photo searching API. Traditionally, this is the realm of backend developers working with other APIs. Understanding how they work and how we can interface with them.

[0:50] With easy-to-use frameworks like Cloudflare workers, we can build production ready serverless functions that will handle whatever scale we throw at them.

[0:56] Finally, we'll come full circle and we'll use our new serverless API to build a React user interface frontend. If you've ever worked with a backend developer and they've said, "Here's an endpoint. Here's a documentation. Go ahead and build this thing."

[1:08] It's time to flip the script and instead we can build those serverless functions and build those endpoints ourselves. We can now build fully featured full-stack applications. Thank you so much for checking out the course. I hope you get a ton out of it.

[1:19] Let's go and build our serverless API.

~ 50 minutes ago

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