Test React’s Controlled Input with Cypress Selector Playground

Andy Van Slaars
InstructorAndy Van Slaars
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Published 7 years ago
Updated 6 years ago

React based applications often use controlled inputs, meaning the input event leads to the application code setting the value of the very input we’re typing into. Since this moves the input setting behavior into the application code, we should have a test to guard against future changes that might break this behavior. In this lesson, we’ll use the Selector Playground feature in Cypress and create a test that enters text into an input and asserts that the value is the same as the entered text.

Instructor: [00:00] I have two terminal panes open. One is running the application locally and the other is running Cypress. Lets add a new test to the spec to test that our controlled input accepts text and has its value set appropriately.

[00:14] In the code, I'm going to add a new test in the same describe block. I'll start with it and I'll give this a description, accepts input. The first thing I want to do is cy.visit and we'll just visit the root of our application.

[00:32] The other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to update this and I'm going to add a .only to the it, so that we run just this new test, and we can focus on it. With that done, I'll save that. Then I'm going to switch to the Cypress UI, and I'm going to click the form input spec file to run that test in Chrome, so see that all this test does is visit our application.

[00:55] The first thing I'm going to do, after we visit our page for this test, is get our input and type into it. For that, I'm going to click on this little bullseye up here to open the selector playground. With the selector playground, I can hover over elements like my todo.

[01:12] When I click on that, we'll see that we get cy.get with our class name in there. This is going to give us the command that we need to get this input in our test.

[01:23] I can just copy to clipboard, and then I can switch back to the code. And under the cy.visit, I can paste.

[01:33] This'll give our test access to this input. Now I'm going to chain on another command called type, and I'm going to type some input into this field. We'll type in just new todo, and we'll save this and switch back.

[01:50] We'll see they are tests we'll run again, and new todo was typed into our input. We can see everything's working as expected. Let's go back to our test, and make sure our test verifies this behavior to guard against future changes.

[02:05] We're going to chain an assertion onto this using should. Then we'll assert that they should have the value, and we'll use the value that we typed in which was new todo. When we save this test and we switch back to the browser, we'll see that it runs, and everything's passing just like we would expect it to.

[02:28] So I'll switch back and let's do just a little bit of refactoring. We have the string in here, and we have this duplicated. This is prone to errors, so let's cut this.

[02:38] Up at the top of our test, we can just define a constant that we'll call typed text, and we'll give it that value and then we'll use that in both our type command and down here in our search. Now we can just save this file, and verify that we didn't break our test with our refactoring, and everything's still working.

~ 21 minutes ago

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