Introduction to Full Stack Web3 and Blockchain Development on Ethereum with SvelteKit

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Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

There is a lot of hype around Web 3 this past year. We are all learning as a community what it can do and the ways you can utilize decentralized applications as a developer.

This course is your guide to getting started with Web 3. One of the key concepts in Web 3 to learn about is the Smart Contract. This course will teach you what it is and how to write one.

You'll learn how to:

  • Write a smart contract using Solidity language
  • Test the smart contract using just JavaScript through the waffle framework
  • Communicate and interact with the smart contract using ethers.js in a SvelteKit application
  • Deploy your smart contract to make it public and accessible to anyone

I hope you enjoy!

Man 1: [0:01] Hi, welcome to my course about getting started with Web3 development with SvelteKit. This is an introductory course to help you learn about the many moving parts required to start building a full stack decentralized application with any EVM compatible blockchain. [0:21] In fact, you can take all of your learnings of this course and move into any other blockchain as far as it's compatible with Etherium.

[0:33] During the course, you learn how to write a smart contract using Solidity language, how to test the smart contract using just JavaScript through the Waffle framework, how to communicate and interact with the smart contract using ethers.js on top of a SvelteKit application.

[0:54] Finally, how to deploy your smart contract to make it public and accessible to anyone. This course is focused on JavaScript developers that just want to dive into the Web3 train.

[1:09] By the end of the course, you'll be able to take your new skills to create any smart contract application you want along with implementing a decentralized application with any JavaScript framework.

[1:22] This course uses SvelteKit because of the low and quick learning curve, but you can use any other framework. You'll notice in the next lessons that almost 99 percent of the JavaScript code you'll write is just plain JavaScript.

[1:43] This set of technologies will help you get on board of the Web3 hype, and also help you on your next professional endeavor or Web3 related project.

[1:56] I hope you'll enjoy this course, and definitely, let me know how you like it or if you have any question, just find me on Twitter or in my personal site as Please enjoy.

~ an hour ago

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