Hi! My name is Artem. In this course, I will teach you how to mock REST and GraphQL APIs with Mock Service Worker. Together, we will build a movie streaming application and you will learn how to intercept both server-side and client-side requests and mock responses using standard JavaScript API. This is a state-of-the-art mock-first prototyping with MSW.
Instructor: [0:00] Hi. My name is Artem. I'm super excited to be your instructor at Egghead and teach you how to mock REST and GraphQL APIs with Mock Service Worker.
[0:08] Historically, API mocking has gathered the stigma of being hacky, dirty if you would, but you will learn firsthand how that's not the case anymore. In fact, together we're going to build an entire application against a mock network that spawns zero servers and requires no changes to the actual source code.
[0:24] It's not going to be a simple to-do app either. We will build a movie streaming application that communicates with both REST and GraphQL APIs, third party and local, and you will learn how to intercept those requests and mock the responses using the standard JavaScript API.
[0:38] Now, I designed this course to be beginner-friendly, so don't worry if you've never used MSW or other API mocking solutions before. It's the perfect place for you to start if you haven't, but even if you've been using MSW for some time now, I still highly recommend you watch this course because it's going to show you how to use the new version of the library. I know you're going to love it.
[0:56] I worked really hard on these lessons, and it's the most complete introduction to MSW ever. I can't wait for you to discover that for yourself, and see you in the first lesson.
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