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Change a site name in Netlify

Tomasz Łakomy
InstructorTomasz Łakomy
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Published 4 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

By default when we create a site in Netlify it'll receive a random name such as https://elastic-franklin-d1c16f.netlify.app/. In this quick lesson we're going to learn how we can set up a custom domain name.

Tomasz Łakomy: [0:00] Right now, our blog is hosted on this random domain elastic-franklin something, something which is not the best idea ever. Luckily, with Netlify, we can change our domain name rather easily. There are two ways to accomplish that in Netlify. We can either click on Domain settings in order for us to add a custom domain.

[0:17] We can either use a domain that we already own, or we can buy a new one directly from Netlify, but there's also something as that we can do that is not going to cost us anything. If I go back to the overview page and click on Site settings over here, I can change the site name.

[0:34] This is going to be free. The only problem is that it is going to end with netlify.app, but this is fine for us. I'm going to proceed. I'm going to change the site name to my-awesome-next-js-blog. Let me save that.

[0:47] Right now, my site is available under my-awesome-next-js-blog.netlify.app. If I click over here, we can see that our blog is available immediately on that site. If I refresh this elastic-franklin domain, we can see that it doesn't work anymore.

~ just now

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