Create a Next.js App with the create-next-app CLI

Jon Meyers
InstructorJon Meyers
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Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago

Next.js is a full-stack React framework that provides the client and server building blocks to create powerful web applications. In this lesson we run the create-next-app CLI command to create a new Next.js application, configured with:

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Create Next.js app

npx create-next-app blue-bird


Instructor: We're going to use MPX to run the create-next-app package to create our new Next.js app. We're going to call this one blue-bird, and then this will step us through some questions to configure our project.

I'm going to use TypeScript. I do want ESLint. I want Tailwind CSS. I don't want to use the source directory. I do want to use the new app router, and I don't want to customise the default import alias. Once that's finished, we can change into our new directory and open it up in VS Code.

You can see we've got a starter project using the app directory with our index route that looks something like this. We can run npm run dev to start our development server, and if we navigate over to localhost over port 3000, we'll see the contents of that page.tsx file rendered in the browser.

~ 33 seconds ago

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