Course Introduction: GraphQL with React and Apollo Client

Nik Graf
InstructorNik Graf
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago

This course will provide you with a crisp, but still complete introduction on how to fetch and update remote data from a GraphQL endpoint, as well as managing local state using the Apollo Client in combination with React.

While this course clearly targets Apollo and GraphQL beginners even someone with quite some Apollo experience might learn something now in the lesson on how to manage local state.

Each lesson is focusing on a specific feature or concept and can be watched independently. Still the whole course is carefully crafted to get build up one cookbook application.

Happy watching 🎥🍿

Instructor: [00:00] This course will provide you with a short but still complete introduction in how to fetch and update remote data from a GraphQL endpoint, as well as managing local state using the Apollo Client in combination with React. Experience with React isn't mandatory, but most probably quite helpful when watching this course.

[00:20] While this course clearly targets Apollo and GraphQL beginners, even someone with quite some Apollo experience might learn something new in the lesson on how to manage local state.

[00:31] Each lesson is focusing on a specific feature or concept and can be watched independently. Still, the whole course is carefully crafted, so all lessons fit together to build up one cookbook application. It starts with querying data from a GraphQL endpoint.

[00:48] After that, we enhance the query using GraphQL variables for filtering results. Then we move on to mutations, allowing us to update data. With mutations, there are quite some gotchas to look out for. We'll discuss them at the end of the lesson.

[01:04] Using Apollo's Link State, we can even extend the GraphQL remote schema with local capabilities. Last but not least, we explore a couple of quite useful utils that ship with Apollo like refetching and polling.

[01:18] I hope this course is useful to you and you enjoy it. Happy watching.

~ a minute ago

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