1. 5
    Creating a RootState type and Typed Hooks for Type-Aware Redux Interactions
    1m 43s

Creating a RootState type and Typed Hooks for Type-Aware Redux Interactions

Jamund Ferguson
InstructorJamund Ferguson
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Published 4 years ago
Updated a year ago

This is probably the most boilerplate you'll be asked to write throughout this whole course. Just copy these few lines of code from the Usage with TypeScript section of the Redux docs into store.ts and hooks.ts and then use the useAppSelector and useAppDispatch hooks instead of the ones built-in to react-redux and you'll have solved 80% of your typing needs with Redux.

In addition to the typed hooks you'll use the RootState type any time you're creating a selector function and as we'll see later in this course sometimes with thunks as well It also may come in handy anytime you need to manually call store.getState().

The TS syntax I was most interested in learning for this lesson was ReturnType, which is a utility that extracts the return type from the type definition of a function. In our case ReturnType<typeof store.getState> creates a type that matches whatever data we have in our redux store, based on the various interfaces we define in each slice.

Jamund Ferguson: [0:00] Open up the file store.ts. Type export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>. Below that, type export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch. ReturnType is a TypeScript utility that will allow you to transform the type definition of a function into its return type.

[0:25] RootState is going to contain a type definition that perfectly matches all the data that we have in our Redux store. AppDispatch, on the other hand, will be used later when we're typing the method used to dispatch actions into our Redux store.

[0:37] One last thing we need to do when we're dealing with TypeScript in Redux, let's create a new file called hooks.ts. At the top of this file, let's import { TypedUseSelectorHook, useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux". Let's also import those two types that we just created, RootState and AppDispatch from "./store".

[1:00] Here we're going to export const useAppDispatch = arrow function useDispatch. Then we'll pass in the type to this generic function, AppDispatch, and open and close parentheses, and export const useAppSelector: TypedUseSelectorHook. We'll pass in to this special TypeScript utility <rootState> = useSelector.

[1:25] What we just do here exactly, Redux provides useDispatch and useSelector hooks for React, but in order to have them aware of the types that we've just defined in our sort.ts file, we have to re-export new functions that are type aware. That's going to come in handy all over the place.

Ian Poston
Ian Poston
~ a year ago

github button link responded 404 on this page. this is the correct link to this lesson https://github.com/xjamundx/redux-shopping-cart/tree/egghead/lessons/05-typed-redux

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