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Create a New Supabase Project

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Published 4 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

In this lesson, we create a new Supabase account and initialize our first project. We see how Supabase generates a database and an API for us.

Kristian Freeman: [0:00] Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. What that means is that you can create an entire backend, including a Postgres database authentication, APIs real-time subscriptions, and even newer stuff like storage and sometime in the future serverless functions.

[0:17] Let's start by making our first Supabase project. I'll come to the Sign In page here and you could see that it lets me sign in with GitHub. I'll just log in with GitHub here. If you haven't signed in before, it'll authorize Supabase to your GitHub account, but I've already done that, so you could see I just get sent to this Project's page.

[0:38] We can start by creating our first project. Let's go to New Project here, and I'm just going to add it to my personal organization, though you could make a separate organization for your company or whatever sort of side project you might be doing.

[0:51] I'm just going to give it a name like my-first-supabase-project and then a password here and then I can choose a region. We want to select a region close to us for the best performance. For me that's East US, though there are a lot of different options here. Of course, you can rename your project later, so don't worry too much about this.

[1:09] Now that we've created our project, you can see there's a couple different things going on. First it is building our database. It's going to spin up a Postgres database for us, and that's also going to attach an API. That's going to be a REST API, as well as real-time subscription support so that we can work with our data inside of a JavaScript project or whatever other language you might want to use.

[1:31] You can also check out the documentation here and you can see their monthly releases. These are videos that they've done recently covering recent features and recent announcements.

~ 35 seconds ago

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