Course Intro and Overview

Kyle Shevlin
InstructorKyle Shevlin
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Welcome to my introductory course on State Machines and the XState library. This course is roughly broken down into three parts.

In the first part, we'll explore the problem state machines set out to solve. We'll take a problematic function, iterate over it until we understand where state machines come in and save the day.

In the second part, we'll learn all the fundamental concepts of the XState library: machines, interpreters, states, events, actions, context and guards. This will be a solid foundation for starting to use XState on your own.

In the final part, we'll explore more advanced uses of the XState library: hierarchical, parallel and history states, and invoking services such as promises, callbacks and other machines.

My hope is that course teaches you what you need to get started with state machines in your work today.

Thank you for watching and enjoy the course.

Kyle Shevlin: [0:01] Hey, everyone. Kyle Shevlin here with an introduction to my course on state machines and the XState library. I wanted to provide you with a brief overview of what we'll cover in the course. This course is roughly divided into three parts.

[0:14] In the first part, we'll explore the problems that state machines set out to solve. We'll take a function. We'll iterate on it until we get to a place where we understand where state machines come in and save the day.

[0:26] The second part is an introduction to the XState library and all its fundamental concepts, like machines, interpreters, states, events, actions, context, and guards. By this point, you should have a solid foundation for using the XState library on your own.

[0:42] In the final part, we explore more advanced state machines, such as hierarchical, parallel, and history states, as well as invoking services, like promises, callbacks, and even other machines.

[0:54] This is by no means an exhaustive introduction to the topic of state machines. My hope is that this introduction demonstrates their utility and encourages you to start using them in your work today. Finally, thanks for watching and enjoy the course.

~ just now

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