illustration for Create an eCommerce Store with Next.js and Stripe Checkout

Create an eCommerce Store with Next.js and Stripe Checkout


Colby Fayock

1h 4m closed-captioning
15 lessons
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Published 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Accept payments & sell products powered by Stripe and the best of the JAMStack

There are as many ways to build an e-commerce store on the internet as there are products to sell. One thing is for certain, e-commerce is here to stay and as professional developers we need to understand how to build fully custom stores for our clients using the best modern tools available.

  • React: flexible and customizable while following modern best practices
  • Next.js: lightening fast with guide rails to help your project perform as consumers expect
  • Stripe Checkout: lets you offload reams of complicated business logic to a trusted third party that maintains regulatory compliance, global payments, and a standard UX.

Your store will have well managed local component state using React Hooks and you'll also have clear and cohesive shared (global) state with React Context.

Finally you'll deploy your custom store to Vercel (the platform behind Next.js) as well as how to make your Next.js e-commerce store portable to deploy to other platforms.

What you'll learn:

  • eCommerce is dynamic even if its on the JamStack
  • Taking advantage of service providers can speed up the development process
  • The faster your website is, the more likely you are to convert purchases

Quick Facts:

  • eCommerce is dynamic even if its on the JamStack
  • Taking advantage of service providers can speed up the development process
  • The faster your website is, the more likely you are to convert purchases

Questions to Think About:

  • How do I optimize the buying experience?
  • How do I manage product inventory?
  • What parts of the shopping experience need to be dynamic vs static?

Course Content

1h 4m • 15 lessons

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