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Add Synchronous Validation to a redux-form using a Validation Function

Rory Smith
InstructorRory Smith
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Published 7 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

There are two ways to handle validation in redux-form. In this example, we are going to look at using a validation function to validate the fields of our redux-form.

Instructor: [00:00] Let's add some client-side validation to our Redux Form. We've got three fields here at the moment, so let's add a couple more.

[00:08] We'll change our name field to first name. We'll add a surname field, and a user name field. Here are our extra fields. Let's write some validation for these fields.

[00:30] In our source folder, let's make a new folder called validation, and inside there, a new file, index.js. This is where we're going to write a validation function.

[00:44] We're going to export a validate function which takes a values argument. We're going to create an empty object called errors, and we're going to add error messages to this errors object which correspond to our form fields, and then we're going to return it.

[01:07] Let's say we want our first name field to be required. We can say, "If values.firstname doesn't exist, then errors.firstname=firstnameisrequired." Let's do the same for surname and user name.

[01:29] [pause]

Instructor: [01:37] We want some further validation on the user name. We can say, "If values.username.length is less than four, then we can write an appropriate error message to the user." We'll do a similar thing if the user name is too long.

[02:07] We're going to want to show these error messages appropriately. In our case, we're going to show them underneath the input field. Let's head back over to our fields.

[02:18] We will destructure some values from props to tidy everything up a bit, and underneath our input, we can say, "If there's an error, then render a div and place the error inside," and we'll give it a red color for the time being.

[02:46] Now we need to hook up our validation to our register form. To do this, we'll head over to our register form, and we'll import validate from validation. All we need to do is pass it in to our decorator.

[03:10] Let's save and refresh now, and instantly, we can see our validation errors. This isn't great for the user, though, because often, you're not going to want to be shouted at as soon as you come to a register form.

[03:27] Let's wait until the user's interacted with the field until we show the error message. To do this, let's head over back to our fields, and we can say, "If there's an error and the field has been touched, then we can show the error message."

[03:47] Now if we enter some values into our form, but we don't enter anything for the user name, let's say, when we go onto the next field, we see the error message. Let's test our user name validation a bit more, and it works.

[04:12] One great thing about Redux Form is that when a form is submitted, all of the fields inside become touched by default. This means that if we have a completely pristine form and we hit submit, then we're automatically going to be able to see our validation errors, so the touched property is extremely useful for client-side validation.

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