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Use a Custom Input Component as a redux-form Field

Rory Smith
InstructorRory Smith
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Published 7 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

We can pass a custom component to redux-form’s Field component. This way, we have a great deal of control over what gets rendered as part of the field (the type of input, label etc), and re-use this component for other fields of the form. We can use the input prop, provided to us by redux-form, to easily hook our input field up to redux.

Instructor: [00:00] Currently, we're passing a string as the component prop into our Redux form field component. Often, though, we're going to want more control over what gets rendered as part of this field.

[00:15] Fortunately, we can pass a custom component as the component prop, and it can be a React class component or a simple functional component. What we're going to do is abstract each field into its own custom component.

[00:30] Let's start by heading into source/components and create a new folder called fields. Inside there, a new file, index.js. In this file, we're going to need to import React. We're going to write a custom input field -- which takes props -- and a custom select. These are functional components that don't need to extend React's component.

[01:08] Let's abstract out these fields away from our register form component. We'll take the container div and label. Inside here, we can use our input field. To make this a reusable component, our label needs to come from the props that we pass in. So does the type of input.

[01:36] Furthermore, we need to attach Redux form's input object to hook it up to Redux. To do that, we just pass in props.input to our input field. We need to apply the same principle to our custom select field, let's head back to register form.

[01:55] We'll take the div and the label. Again, the label will come from props. Set up the select field, and we'll take our option field across. Again, we need to make sure that this is hooked up to Redux by passing in props.input.

[02:24] Let's hook our custom input and custom select components up to our register form. We're going to want to import custom input and custom select from the fields directory. In our render method, we can use those components.

[02:48] The name is going to be the same. A component is going to refer to our custom input component. The type's going to be the same, and we need to pass in a label. Because now, it's being dealt with in the props.

[03:04] Label = name. We can apply the same principle to our select field. The name is the same. The component becomes custom select, and we'll pass in the label. Our checkbox can reuse our custom input component.

[03:27] Let's copy this field and paste it in place of our old checkbox. The name is newsletter, the component is custom input. But the type is checkbox, and we pass in the label. Let's save everything, and we'll refresh the page now.

[03:49] Let's give it a quick test. We get our form values back. The result of our app hasn't changed, but now, we're in a position to be able to use custom, reusable components as our form fields.

~ 26 seconds ago

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